Who are the "least of these"
The phrase “the least of these” is mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the book of Matthew 25:40. In this verse, Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” The phrase “the least of these” is generally understood to refer to marginalized and vulnerable people, such as the poor, the hungry, the sick, and the imprisoned. In other words, Jesus is saying that whatever we do to help those who are most in need, we are also doing to help Him.
The purpose of this page is to give you opportunities to serve the least of these right here in our community!
Filling the Void
“Filling the Void” is a homeless ministry in Dallas that provides assistance to homeless individuals by offering meals, clothing, hygiene items, transportation, counseling, addiction recovery support, and spiritual guidance. The organization relies heavily on volunteers to carry out their mission of meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those experiencing homelessness.

"How Can I Help?"
Every Tuesday, A team from BridgeWay drives down to Dallas and hands out premade meals to homeless. There is always a need for more hands. If you are interested in serving reach out to Randy Wysocki at rwarrent26@aol.com

Heart of the City
Heart of The City is a food bank located in Lewisville that provides assistance to individuals and families in need. The organization strives to provide healthy and nutritious food options to those who may not have access to it otherwise. In addition to providing food, Heart of The City also offers various services to help people get back on their feet, such as job search assistance, budgeting classes, and counseling. The organization relies heavily on the support of volunteers and donations from the community to carry out their mission of ending hunger in the area.

"How Can I Help?"
Every Saturday morning, a team from BridgeWay goes to the Heart of the City food bank to serve. If you are interested in going, you can join our interest group here:

Journey to Dream
“Journey to Dream” is a non-profit organization based in Texas, USA, founded in 2009 by Chad and Kelli Owens. The organization’s mission is to support at-risk youth facing issues such as homelessness, abuse, neglect, poverty, and addiction. Journey to Dream offers a range of programs and services, including mentoring, counseling, educational support, recreational activities, and community outreach, with the goal of empowering young people to become self-sufficient, responsible, and productive members of society. The organization is funded through donations, grants, and partnerships with local businesses and community organizations..

"How Can I Help?"
BridgeWay has supported Journey to Dream’s youth transitional living campus, Kyle’s Place.
They provide stability and a family-like experience where youth can: cultivate a positive identity, break negative cycles, take ownership, map a plan for their future, and Discover the life skills necessary to thrive in adulthood
If you want to learn how to help, email Andy@bwchurch.org