Filling the Void Dallas

Filling the Void Dallas

Filling the Void Dallas Filling the Void Dallas Filling the Void Dallas Filling the Void Dallas is a street ministry that feeds homeless people in areas near downtown Dallas.  We pass out sack meals on Wednesday nights and Saturday noons – with prayer, conversation,...
Milan, Italy: Aaron & Grace Ogburn

Milan, Italy: Aaron & Grace Ogburn

Milan, Italy: Aaron & Grace Ogburn Milan, Italy Aaron and Grace Ogburn, Olivia Aaron and Grace Ogburn and their daughter Eloise have been sent to Italy by Pioneer Bible Translators.  BW is one of their supporting churches.  Grace works as a linguist and edits...
Samachique, Mexico: Haley McNeese

Samachique, Mexico: Haley McNeese

Samachique, Mexico: Haley McNeese Samachique, Mexico Haley McNeese Haley McNeese, a BridgeWay-raised missionary, serves the Tarahumara Indians in northern Mexico. Haley serves as a nurse, working in the small town’s medical clinic and also leads the mobile medical...
Madrid, Spain: Jake & Stacy Jarrell

Madrid, Spain: Jake & Stacy Jarrell

Madrid, Spain: Jake & Stacy Jarrell Madrid, Spain Jake & Stacy Jarrell, Luke and Everett Jake and Stacy Jarrell, along with their sons Luke and Everett, are missionaries based in Spain. Jake was the former Youth Minister at BridgeWay Church.  Their sending...
Athens, Greece: Peter & Rie Vali

Athens, Greece: Peter & Rie Vali

Athens, Greece: Peter & Rie Vali Athens, Greece Peter & Rie Vali Peter and Rie Vali, members of BridgeWay Church, moved to  Greece in 2018.  BW is their sending agency/church.  The Vali’s ministry reaches refugees in the Athens area from Iran, Iraq,...